agencia traduccion barcelona, agencia traduccion madrid
agencia traduccion barcelona, agencia traduccion madrid

Translation agency in Barcelona and Madrid

We are a translation agency with offices in Madrid and Barcelona that currently enjoys an excellent reputation.

Did you know that 96.7% of our repeat customers rate us 4.9 out of 5 on Google?

We work in multiple language specialisation areas, translating texts and documents for national and international companies of different sectors and sizes.


Language accuracy


Repeat clients


Satisfaction score


Native translators

We offer you a wide range of translation services at highly competitive prices and with high speed thanks to a team of over 700 native translators.

Translation services

We offer the widest range of professional online translation services for companies and individuals, carried out by a team of experienced and decisive translators, who are located in Spain and in their respective countries of origin.

Translation prices

We translate into any language combination and offer highly competitive translation rates and prices, with special discounts and offers, adapted to each project, regardless of the word count.

Sectors in which we translate

We have amassed thousands of translations since 2000. We work with Spanish and foreign companies from a wide range of sectors: industry, pharmaceutics, finance, hotels, advertising and marketing, technology, public bodies …

We translate into Spanish, Catalan, English, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Japanese and Swedish as our main languages, although you can request any language and combination.

traducciones audiovisuales

High quality and reliable translations

From the outset more than two decades ago, we have developed an extensive experience translating, thanks to which we can guarantee the following:

  • The global vision of a team of experienced translators in each subject area;
  • The ability to adapt to your communication style, target audience and media;
  • Experience, privacy, technical resources and top reliability.

Rated as one of the best translation agencies

We have dozens of testimonials and opinions from satisfied clients who publicly recommend us on Google and rate us as one of the best translation companies in Madrid and Barcelona.

Among the most frequently repeated attributes, the following stand out: thoroughness, quality control, short response and turnaround times, adaptability, good prices, friendly and quality customer service.

Translations in Madrid and Barcelona for the whole of Spain

We offer you the widest range of translation services in Madrid and Barcelona for companies and individuals, with highly competitive prices, top quality, proven linguistic reliability, maximum privacy, as well as short turnaround times by a large team of specialised native translators.

traducciones de paginas web, traduccion de paginas web

Translation of websites, blogs, multimedia applications and software (CRM, ECR and ERP)

Text translation service for digital use. Perfect for companies expanding into new markets. This may include integration into the medium.

traducción e-commerce

Translation of e-commerce websites

Translation service for online shops. Platforms: Magento, Shopify, Prestashop o WooCommerce.

traducciones de documentos, agencia traduccion documentos

Translation of texts and documents, human resources, presentations and corporate reports

Services aimed at Human Resources departments of medium-sized and large companies to improve internal communication and processes.

traduccion tecnica, traducciones tecnicas

Technical translations of manuals, catalogues, instructions for use and specifications

Technical translation service for texts and documents used internally, as well as material aimed at the end user.

traduccion de catalogos, traducciones de catalogos

Translations of advertising catalogues, press releases, marketing and merchandising material

The perfect translation service for companies that need to promote their services and products in new markets, both locally and internationally.

traducciones para abogados, traduccion juridica, traduccion legal

Legal translations, contracts, legal texts, deeds, notarial deeds and policies

Translation services especially aimed at law firms and legal departments of medium-sized and large companies.

traducciones para marketing, traducciones para publicidad

Financial translations, economic studies, annual accounts and financial statements

Translation services for financial institutions (banks, fund managers, consultants …), insurance companies and companies in any industry.

traduccion documentacion comercial

Translation of business and foreign trade documents, procedures and regulations

For companies with an international presence and for those starting their internationalisation process in new markets and countries.

revision de textos, correccion de textos

Review and proofreading of original texts and adaptations to language variants

The perfect service to validate the quality of the original texts to be translated, in order to avoid errors that could harm the image and communication.

servicios traduccion jurada, traducciones juradas

Certified translations

Certified translation services carried out by certified translators accredited by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation.

Traducciones audiovisuales Planetlingua

Audiovisual translations

Subtitling, subtitle translation, subtitle embedding, transcription and script translation services.

Languages we translate into

You can request translations from any language into Spanish, Catalan, English, Portuguese, German, French, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Japanese and Swedish as the main languages, although we also have the means to translate into any language combination.

precio traduccion español

Translations into Spanish

Request translations from Spanish into any language and from any language into Spanish.

precio traduccion catalan

Translations into Catalan

Request translations from Catalan into any language and from any language into Catalan

precio traduccion ingles

Translations into English

Request translations from English into any language and from any language into English.

precio traduccion portuges

Translations into Portuguese

Request translations from Portuguese into any language and from any language into Portuguese.

precio traduccion aleman

Translations into German

Request translations from German into any language and from any language into German.

precio traduccion frances

Translations into French

Request translations from French into any language and from any language into French.

precio traduccion italiano

Translations into Italian

Request translations from Italian into any language and from any language into Italian.

precio traduccion ruso

Translations into Russian

Request translations from Russian into any language and from any language into Russian.

precio traduccion arabe

Translations into Arabic

Request translations from Arabic into any language and from any language into Arabic.

precio traduccion chino

Translations into Chinese

Request translations from Chinese into any language and from any language into Chinese.

precio traduccion japones

Translations into Japanese

Request translations from Japanese into any language and from any language into Japanese.

precio traduccion sueco

Translations into Swedish

Request translations from Swedish into any language and from any language into Swedish.

Translations for companies of various sectors and sizes

The experience we have amassed over several decades as well as our experienced translators enable us to offer translation services tailored to very specific business sectors.

traduccion para hoteles, servicios traduccion hoteles,

Translations for the tourism sector

We actively work with local hotels, hotel chains with an international presence and institutions that promote tourism in Spain.

traducciones empresas tecnologia

Translations for tech companies

From local start-ups, operating on several continents, to development companies that need to localise software.

traducciones para industria, traducciones para empresas

Translations for the industrial sector

We translate product catalogues, manuals and instructions for use, as well as websites of industrial companies with an international presence.

traducciones para abogados, traduccion juridica, traduccion legal

Translations for the legal sector

We assist law firms with the translation of contracts between parties, as well as a wide range of legal documentation.

traducciones para marketing, traducciones para publicidad

Translations for financial institutions

We translate websites for banks, insurance companies and financial advisors, along with financial services catalogues and internal documentation.

traducciones para empresas de servicios

Translations for service companies

We work closely with real estate agencies, consultancy firms, e-commerce platforms and an array of companies offering services.

traducciones para marketing, traducciones para publicidad

Translations for marketing, communication and advertising agencies

A booming and constantly evolving sector that needs translations, in many cases with a tight deadline, for its clients.

traducciones medicas, traducciones farmaceuticas

Translations for the medical and pharmaceutical sector

Technical and confidential translations. We work with pharmaceutical companies, specialised clinics and hospitals.

traducciones para exportaciones

Translations for official bodies

Translation of institutional texts, required by local and state bodies, with very specific needs.

mejor agencia traduccion