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Translations into Swedish

Prices translations into Swedish

  • To find out the prices for translations from any language into Swedish or vice versa, please ask us for a customised quote.
  • The translation will be reviewed by an experienced reviewer, who will ensure the linguistic suitability of the translated text. A project manager will oversee and monitor the process closely to ensure maximum quality.
  • We apply discounts on translations into Swedish, depending on the text length and repeating structures.

Our prices and rates for translations into Swedish are competitive and adaptable to the needs and specific features of each project. The deadlines may also be adapted to urgency, and we offer you several discounts.

For some texts, it is also highly recommended to hire the proofreading and editing service prior to translation.

Thus, errors in translation caused by incorrect wording of the original text are avoided.

Translation into Swedish

Swedish is the official language of Sweden, Finland and the Åland Islands.

It is a Scandinavian language within Germanic languages, so it has features and structures that are very different from languages coming from Latin, with which we may be more familiar.

Therefore, as with languages like German, it is essential to have a high level of native-speaker knowledge of Swedish and master its structures and peculiarities, especially when translating specialised texts.

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Clients of translations into Swedish

As a company specialising in translations into Swedish, among other languages, we perform translations into Swedish of technical, scientific, banking, technological and software texts.

For this purpose, we boast professionals specialising in different subject areas, so as to always offer the best quality.

Native Swedish translators

A good Swedish translator must feature the highest level of native-speaker knowledge.

Our local Swedish translators go through stringent quality testing to ensure that they achieve sufficiently high standards to provide a faithful translation into the target language, while respecting the structures, turns and naturalness of Swedish.

Furthermore, all translations undergo a strict review phase to ensure the best quality.

Planet Lingua works with:

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