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Price for Portuguese translations

Price for Portuguese translations

  • For specialised texts (e.g. financial, legal, technical, medical/pharmaceutical texts), the rate can range from 0.10 to 0.13 euros.
  • Rates for Scandinavian, Eastern European, Asian and Arabic languages will vary according to subject area, document format, etc.
  • The translation will be reviewed by an experienced reviewer, who will ensure the linguistic suitability of the translated text.
  • A project manager will oversee and monitor the process closely to ensure maximum quality.
  • We apply discounts on translations into Portuguese, depending on the text volume and repeating structures.

When you need a translation into Portuguese, ask for a customised rate, with a price that is always tailored to both the needs of your company and any additional language service you may need.

That is what we will suggest when you ask us for a quote.

We also recommend that you assess before translating whether it is necessary to hire the proofreading and editing services to avoid that the original document contains idiomatic or expression errors that could harm the translation into Portuguese.

Translation into Portuguese

When we talk about translating into Portuguese, the first thing to keep in mind is that few languages are as spread across the five continents as this one.

Texts and documents addressed to a wide variety of countries can be translated into Portuguese: from the best known (Portugal and Brazil), through Mozambique and Cape Verde, to remote regions in India and even Japan.

As the list is very extensive, it is essential to know all the language specifics to adapt your text to the area in which it will be published. Thus, you make sure that it fulfils its purpose and, if you entrust us with it, you also ensure that the highest quality standards are met.

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Types of translations into Portuguese

Most companies that ask us for translations into Portuguese, regardless of the country they want to address, are Spanish or multinationals with international business interests.

We translate into Portuguese in a wide variety of fields, including:

  • Internal company communications.
  • Website content and newsletters.
  • Packaging and copies.
  • Agreements and legal texts of all kinds.
  • Instructions and user manuals for clients and for internal use by employees.
  • Product and service catalogues.
  • Minutes and annual reports for large multinational companies with international interests.
  • Documents for official bodies as well as legal translations.

Our commitment to the Portuguese language is such that we have had a subsidiary of Planet Lingua in Portugal and have been doing translations into Portuguese since 2000.

Planet Lingua works with:

To finish this section, we would just like to give you some advice.

When you contact a translation company to request the translation of texts and documents into Portuguese, make sure that they have translators who are native speakers of the country to which your text is addressed.

As mentioned before, Portuguese has a great amount of geographical enclaves that provide it with special nuances, hence making it a unique and universal language.

Planet Lingua colabora con:

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