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These general conditions regulate the acquisition of the products offered on the website, which is owned by Planet Lingua, S. L. (hereinafter, PLANET LINGUA).
The acquisition of any of the products entails the full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the general conditions indicated, without prejudice to the acceptance of the particular conditions that may be applicable when acquiring certain products.
These general conditions may be modified without prior notice. Therefore, it is advisable to carefully read their content before proceeding to purchase any of the products offered.


PLANET LINGUA, in compliance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, informs you that:

  • Its company name is: PLANET LINGUA, S. L.
  • Its trade name is: PLANET LINGUA
  • Its VAT number is: ES B15743016
  • Its registered office is at: C/ Gándara 13, 15145 – A Laracha – A Coruña – Spain


To contact us, we offer you different means of contact, which are detailed below:

  • Telephone Barcelona: +34 932 84 60 55
  • Telephone Madrid: +34 91 091 66 69
  • E-mail:
  • Mailing address: C/ Doctor Trueta 168 – 2, 08005 – Barcelona – Spain

All notifications and communications between users and PLANET LINGUA will be considered effective, for all purposes, when made through any of the means mentioned above.


PLANET LINGUA reserves the right to decide, at any time, the products and/or services offered to Clients. Thus, PLANET LINGUA may, at any time, add new products and/or services to those currently offered. Likewise, PLANET LINGUA reserves the right to withdraw or stop offering, at any time and without prior notice, any of the products offered,
without prejudice to the fact that the acquisition of any product can only be done through the subscription or registration of the USER, while PLANET LINGUA provides the interested party with a username and password, which will personally identify and enable them to access the products.
Once inside, and in order to access the hiring of the different products, the User must follow all the instructions indicated in the purchase process, which will mean reading and accepting all the general and specific conditions set out on


To submit any query or service request on, the client must be of legal age.
The client must fill out a data collection form, in which PLANET LINGUA is provided with the necessary information for the service rendering. This data must provide truthful, accurate and complete information about the client’s identity. The client must give their express consent by accepting PLANET LINGUA's privacy policy.


Together with your order, you will receive the corresponding invoice.
To this end, the client consents to the invoice being sent in electronic format. The customer will receive the invoice by e-mail and may, at any time, revoke this consent at to receive the paper invoice.


The maximum delivery time is agreed between the client and PLANET LINGUA.


The consumer and user has the right to repair the product, its replacement, a price reduction or the termination of the contract, as established in Chapter II Title IV Book II of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users.
If the product is not in accordance with the contract, the consumer may choose between repairing or replacing the product; both options are free of charge for the consumer and will be carried out within a reasonable time, depending on the nature of the products and the purpose for which they were intended.
Once the repair has been completed and the product has been delivered, if it is still not in accordance with the contract, the consumer may demand its replacement, a price reduction or the termination of the contract.


To file any complaint or claim with PLANET LINGUA, the client should contact the Customer Service Department at the telephone number +34 932 84 60 55 or through the e-mail address
According to the European Online Dispute Resolution and in accordance with Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013, we inform you that the European Commission provides all consumers with an online dispute resolution platform, available at the following link:


These conditions shall be governed by current Spanish law.
The language used shall be Spanish.

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