agencia traduccion barcelona, agencia traduccion madrid
agencia traduccion barcelona, agencia traduccion madrid


1. In which cities does your translation company have offices?

Planet Lingua’s translation company offices are located in Barcelona and Madrid.

From these cities, we provide translation support to companies and individuals in any other Spanish or foreign city.

2. In addition to companies, do you do translations for individuals as well?

Yes, we do translations for individuals, both ordinary and certified translations, in Barcelona, Madrid and other cities in Spain.

If you need to translate a document that you must file with an official body (at the town hall, at an embassy or before a notary, for example), you can request your certified translation, and an official translator appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will do and certify it.

If, on the contrary, you want to translate your CV, a cover letter or even the website where you sell a product, an ordinary translation will suffice.

Contact us, and we will provide you with a customised quote.

3. What kind of translations do you NOT do?

We do any translation our clients request: from websites to applications, not to mention instruction manuals, newsletters, press kits, news and blogs, databases, etc.

If there is anything you need to translate, we will take care of it.

4. What step-by-step procedure will my translation follow?

Once the quote has been confirmed, one of our project managers will notify you that work has already started on the translation.

The manager is the bridge between the translators and the client: he looks for and selects the linguists with the most suitable profile to do the translation from our database, while always meeting the agreed deadline.

After this, the translator, who is always a native speaker of the requested language and has at least three years of experience, does the translation, which we subsequently receive.


After a few short checks, the translated text is sent to the second linguist, the proofreader, who makes the appropriate changes to ensure that the translation is of optimum quality.

After that, we receive the translation again, and the manager performs the last checks before sending it to you.

5. Does it cost anything to request a translation quote?

No, requesting a quote is free of charge for our clients.

So, do not hesitate: if you need a quote for a translation into any language, a request for a quote to translate the website you have created or the translation of an instruction manual, please contact us, and we will draw up a quote tailored to your needs.

6. When will I receive my translation quote?

From the moment we receive the request, we start analysing the files to send you the quote as soon as possible.

As a general rule, we send quotes within one hour of receiving your request.

If the volume or other project characteristics require a more in-depth analysis, we would let you know how much time we need to send you the quote.

During the analysis, we keep in touch with the client whenever we need any clarification or specification to adjust the quote to their needs.

7. In what format should I send the text to be translated?

You can send us the texts in the format you want.

We boast a wide range of text editing, design and layout tools, so we can process texts in virtually any format.

Do not hesitate to send us your files in the format you need, we will process them without any problem.

8. In what format will I receive my translation?

You will always receive the translation in the same format as the original file you sent us, unless you specify anything else.

If you need to receive the text in a different format or implement it in another document with another format, do not hesitate to let us know, and we will follow your instructions.

Moreover, if you send us a non-editable file that we must prepare, we will send you both the editable file and the end file.

For instance, if you send us a non-editable PDF for translation, we will return the translation in PDF and Word, in case you need to make any changes further on.

9. Can you insert the translated text in the medium I request?

Yes, we can insert the translation in virtually any medium you request.

If you send us the text to be translated in a format and you need to implement it in another document, format, platform or medium, do not hesitate to let us know, and we will manage this service.

We can insert texts translated from a text document in a graphic design file, a publication layout file in a website, an online platform, physical media and so on.

10. What will be the deadline for my translation? Can I request a deadline?

When we receive your translation request and send you a quote, we will provide you with an approximate delivery date.

If you need it, you can ask us for a deadline for delivery of your translation.

In this case, we will study the requested delivery date based on the volume, the degree of specialisation and the project characteristics, while always adapting to your needs.

We have a standard deadline scale according to the word count; however, whenever you need to receive the project within a deadline, do not hesitate to let us know, and we will do our best to adjust the delivery date to your needs.

We always deliver translations within the best possible timeframe to cover all the quality details involved in the project.

11. Can you translate large text volumes into more than one language?

Yes, we can take on translations involving large volumes into different languages.

Thanks to our management team and our database of professional native translators working in different languages, we can handle the translation of large volumes into several languages simultaneously.

Thus, deliveries can adhere to the necessary translation deadlines, as the translation into each language is carried out by different professionals, each in their mother tongue.

We can also make partial deliveries of the translations that are available for you to have them as soon as possible.

12. What kind of translators will translate my text?

Our translators and proofreaders are native speakers of the target language and have a high level of experience and specialisation, with training in line with the requirements of the profession and our clients’ orders.

As an experienced translation agency, we at Planet Lingua work with linguists who are native speakers of the language into which they are to translate.

Thus, we ensure that the target text is of optimum quality and is formulated quite naturally in the target language.

Furthermore, we always make sure that our translators and proofreaders have the necessary qualifications to meet our quality requirements and a minimum of three to five years' professional experience.

To do this, we not only require our linguists to prove their training, but also perform stringent translation and proofreading tests to ensure that they meet the highest quality standards.

Apart from this, our translators are constantly being trained to adapt to the different subjects and specific features of the texts they have to work with and thus meet the needs of our clients.

13. What translation quality guarantees do you offer?

All our translations are subject to the provisions of the ISO 17100 standard, which guarantees compliance with the strictest quality requirements.

Our management team receives translation orders and ensures that they are processed according to the client's requirements and the characteristics of each text to offer the highest quality.

Projects are handled by the most suitable linguists in our database, according to text type, field of expertise and degree of complexity.

The project manager ensures that each assignment is translated by a native speaker with the required qualifications and experience.

Subsequently, this translation undergoes a stringent review by a second linguist, who must meet the same requirements in terms of training, experience and specialisation.

Eventually, the final document undergoes a thorough formatting check and, if necessary, a layout overhaul by a qualified professional.

Thus, our team ensures that each document goes through all the necessary processes regulated by the ISO 17100 standard and is carried out by the best qualified professionals.

This ensures that the highest quality standards are met throughout the entire process.

On the other hand, if you already have information ready to follow in the translation, such as glossaries, terminology bases or other reference documents, do not hesitate to send it to us, as we will follow it at all times to maintain consistency.

14. How do you ensure consistency in the translated texts

To guarantee uniformity in the translated texts, we apply a series of tools and procedures that ensure the consistency of our translations.

Our team of managers and linguists use translation memories for all projects. These databases are integrated into our translation software, where all translations are stored, so that they can be quickly used and consulted as linguists translate.

We also have glossaries and terminology databases that are adapted to each client and subject area, so that we can guarantee consistency and rigour in the translation of specific terms and concepts.

To adjust to the nature that each client wants for their texts, we also draw up style guides, so we always make sure that we use the expressions, rules and conventions based on the comments and requirements of our clients and which we strictly follow in all translation projects.

Finally, if you already have this information (rules, guides, terminology documents, etc.), do not hesitate to send it to us, and we will observe your instructions at all times. Thus, your translations will always be highly consistent, coherent and cohesive.

15. How do you ensure maximum security and confidentiality of translations?

For us, it is essential to guarantee the highest level of security and confidentiality of our clients' documents.

Therefore, we apply the most stringent security methods, both to our procedures and computer security system.

Furthermore, we have confidentiality agreements we can sign with our clients to further protect the security of translations.

The linguists and other professionals we work with are also subject to strict confidentiality agreements that guarantee the highest level of security of the files and, of course, of our clients’ information.

We also have special confidentiality agreements to cover specific and exceptional security needs, depending on your requirements and needs or a particular project.

You can rest assured that your files will be safe and protected by the most stringent security measures.

16. Can translators come to my company?

Cooperation with the client in translation projects is a priority for us, so whenever the characteristics of your project require it, our translators will be able to go to your company to collaborate, thoroughly analyse your needs and get training in the notions necessary to translate the texts.

17. What can I do to get my translation done as quickly as possible?

There are different ways to streamline the translation process as much as possible. While a translator needs to spend time on a text to work on it properly and provide a quality translation, there are ways to save a considerable amount of time in other project stages.

One of the best examples occurs in the file preparation stage: preparing a large, non-editable PDF in Word format for translation is a task that can take days, if the PDF file is a large one.

If you have the original Word file or can get hold of it, you can significantly reduce the translation turnaround. Providing editable source files not only eliminates the file preparation stage, but also greatly reduces post-translation DTP and formatting time.

Another way to reduce deadlines is to always provide all the information about the project in detail, so that there are no setbacks that would lead to fixes and corrections that would delay the translation development.

It is also essential that you have a clear idea of the translation scope and that you do not include text that you do not need to translate, which would increase the volume and, therefore, delay the translation and even increase costs unnecessarily.

We at Planet Lingua want to make sure you have all the information you need to translate; no more, no less.

18. What prices do you charge for translations and how is a translation billed?

Translation prices vary according to the language combinations, subject area and the level of text technicality and complexity.

A translation from English into Spanish of an informative text will not have the same price as a translation from Catalan into Russian of a highly technical manual.

Invoices are paid within 30 days after issuance, although we are always open to adapt to the administrative needs of our clients.

19. Why are your translation prices so competitive?

We can offer competitive rates thanks to several factors that we have developed over the course of our long experience.

First of all, we have a database of translators with whom we maintain a lasting and reliable professional relationship; thus, we have excellent rates.

In addition, we have a wide variety of technological resources that allow us to streamline different tasks and reduce costs.

In this way, our quotes are tailored to your needs, always have competitive and reasonable rates, without detriment to the quality or our relationship with you at any time.

20. Why do translation rates change based on the language?

It is normal for the translation fee to vary, depending on the language combination requested. This is due to several factors.

This includes the professionals available for each language influences; that is, if there are fewer native linguists working with a specific language, it is normal for the rate to be higher.

For instance, the amount of linguists who translate from Spanish into English is much larger than that of Inuit.

Moreover, the income and standard of living in the target language countries also play a role, since we work with native professionals, who are often in their home country and whose rates are in line with the income of their place of residence.

However, we always ensure projects are managed in such a way that we can offer our clients the most competitive rates. If you request a translation quote, we will always offer you the most affordable rate possible without this affecting the project quality in any way.

21. What can I do to save on translation costs?

Before requesting a translation quote, there are several things you can do to reduce costs.

The essential thing is to be very clear about the scope of the text to be translated to avoid increasing the translation word count, hence making it more expensive.

To do this, it is useful to review the document, the texts or even the website to be translated and assess what is really necessary.

It can also be considered whether images with non-editable text need to be translated, since, in this case, the cost increases not only because of the text they contain, but also because of the need to include text extraction and image layout services.

Another example is website translation: in this case, the client may not want to translate certain sections, such as the blog or news; omitting these sections when requesting a quote will significantly lower the translation cost.

You may also want to translate these sections in stages to gradually feed the website.

Another important aspect to consider is the scope of languages into which a project should be translated.

If a client wants to expand on a general level and needs web translation into several languages, it is preferable that they translate their website into one or two languages of the target audience rather than requesting a translation into a large number of languages, which could make the quote very expensive.

It is essential that you are clear about the scope of the translation and the languages to avoid making it unnecessarily expensive.

22. Do you charge higher rates for urgent translations?

No, we do not consider that an urgent need on the client‘s part is a reason to apply surcharges for urgency.

We always offer the best delivery times to cover the quality needs of each project and are open to adjust the deadlines whenever the client needs it.

If you have a special urgency to receive your translation, do not hesitate to let us know, and we will do our best to adjust the delivery time without any surcharge.

23. Do you offer promotions, discounts on translations and special prices?

When we receive an order from a client, we always offer the most competitive rate; however, there are also specific cases in which we add promotions and special rates to our prices, depending on the volume to be translated, word repetitions ...

In order to encourage the participation of our clients in events such as fairs and congresses, we offer special discount packages for the translation of their texts into three or more languages.

Moreover, we offer very special rates for certain language combinations, such as translations between Catalan and Spanish.

24. What should I avoid so that my translation does not get expensive?

To avoid expensive translations, it is essential to be very clear about the purpose to be fulfilled and to provide all the instructions and material necessary to carry out the project in the most accurate and efficient way.

It is essential to know clearly the translation needs, the documents to be translated and the style to be used.

Thus, when requesting the translation, all the information and details necessary to fulfil the project purpose must be specified.

For example, if what you need is to translate an application with buttons, sections or text boxes that will require a character limitation, it is essential to communicate this, so that the text does not overflow and must be adjusted later.

Another example would be to consider the translation of a website. You may not want to translate the news or blog sections. If you tell us in advance, all these texts will no longer be included in the quote, and you will be able to save on them.

25. Once I am a client, do you save the styles?

As soon as we finish the first project you commission us, we will keep the styles, templates and different resources that you have sent us to use them in similar future projects to guarantee stylistic consistency between the different projects and obtain a greater advantage in turnaround time.

Furthermore, we develop templates for recurring projects with identical or very similar structures, so that we can streamline the process and provide consistent and homogeneous target files.

We work with a wide variety of text editing, graphic design and layout tools that allow us to preserve the style and character of our clients' documents.

If you need to translate files with a similar structure and style on a recurring basis, we will ensure this consistency at no extra cost.

26. Why am I interested in proofreading services of original files?

Sometimes original texts feature some linguistic errors of different kinds, especially if they have been written by professionals who, even though they are specialists in the field, are not language experts.

Not only do these errors pose a problem for the text or product in the source language, but they can also in some cases have an impact and spread in the translation, if they are not corrected first.

We offer a proofreading service of the original text before translation, which can correct these mistakes and ensure that the translation meets the highest quality standards and does not reflect any errors in the original text.

Moreover, thus, you will not only receive a flawless translation, but also have the original text corrected, that is to say, without a single error of any kind.

27. How do your clients rate the translation services they receive?

Many clients value Planet Lingua's translation services positively.

You can read their reviews on the website and on our Google profiles, where dozens of them share their testimonials publicly.

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